Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 1 8:32 PM Eastern

Alley, I managed to make my way to old hotel off of Vernon. The first and second story windows were boarded up with galvanized steal. I found a ladder at a construction site and managed to climb to the third story and brake out a window. There is no other way in other than the way I came in so I should be safe here for the night. The hotel is still fully furnished and looks to be in good condition. I assume they are hoping to sell it someday, looks like it is really old by the architecture. Either way it should be safe here tonight. I hope you are someplace safe.

I saw something on my way here. I was working my way around people as much as I could but stumbled on a group of people. I managed to not be detected, worried about only having two shells left. The group was eating another person, it was hard not to gag and puke. I am not sure what has happened but it seems that people have gone mad, their acting like animals. I am starting to think I am the only normal person left in the city. I can her noises outside, it’s starting to get dark. I need to rest will write more later.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 1 7:25 PM Eastern

I tried to get a car but most of them are either out in the open or in a garage and the ones I have seen have been blocked and abandoned with no keys. It is starting to get dark I have not been able to make it vary far. I am going to try and find a place to hide up for the night and hope things are better in the morning. Alley, I had to shot two people. I don’t know what is happening but both of them would not stay down until I shot them in the head. I am shook up right now, I will write more later. I need to find a safer place, I only have two bullets left. I hope you are okay.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 1 4:20 PM Eastern

I left the old man in the tunnels not sure how safe he is there but I could not talk him into leaving. I am on 9th street a block away from the library. Things are crazy, I have tried to avoid people but have been chased a few times now. There are no cars moving or any one driving anything in town. There are cars scattered all over the place. I found a police car with the lights on but the only thing in the car was a lot of blood. There was a blood stain on the road leading away from the car, like someone had been drug away. I did not see the police officer anywhere. I took the shotgun that was lying outside of the car. I avoided the Library there was just way to many people walking around in that area. I heard a woman scream and saw her running two blocks away. There were a group of people chasing her. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. They tackled her and started ripping her apart. I started to go and help her but there were way too many of them. I can still hear her screaming in my head, what in Hell is this. I am going to try and get a car I will check back here soon.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 1 3:05 PM Eastern

Ally I ran into a old man that lives on the streets. He was hiding in a back alley in one of those big trash cans. Not sure if he has some mental problems or what but he did help me make it down into some underground tunnels. He keeps saying this is the end of the world, that the dead have returned and Hell is about to be released from its grave. Not sure what he is talking about but he keeps babbling on about crazy stuff. He said that it is the dead that is killing the living, eating the flesh of the ones still alive. He says that the Bible in the book of Genesis where God tells the serpent that he will eat dust meant that he would it the flesh of humans. Something about that man's flesh was made of dust or something crazy like that. I still have no idea what is going on. I hope you are okay, please contact me soon.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 1 1:50PM Eastern

Two people tried to attack me one of them was missing an arm, blood was all over them both. I managed to get away and run. I am in the back alley right behind the Starbucks off of 4th street. I smell smoke and there are sirens off in the distance. I could hear people screaming but that has almost stopped right now. At the end of the alley I can see cars but none of them are moving. The door is open on one of them. I can’t make it out but it looks like something is hanging out of the door. Ally if you read this, I am sorry…

Day 1 1:30 PM Eastern

Allison or anyone from my family if you get this please leave me a message on here. Contact me some how. I am still alive and trying to get home but things are crazy. I have no idea what has happened. I barely got out of my office building alive. Ally I’ve had to hurt people I have worked with for years. What is this all about, what in Hell is this. I have to go for now but I will update on here as often as I can. God, I hope you all are okay, I love you.